Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oil Drilling News



The oil spill: The latest developments


Hurricane halts some US Gulf oil spill clean-up


7 oil crisis views, from comic to tragic

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BP oil spill clean-up blocked by red tape, bureaucracy, as companies offering aid are turned down


Oil industry cleanup organization swamped by BP spill


Gulf residents awash with ingenuity


Environmental Groups and Members of Congress Release More Than 400,000 Comments Asking President to Ban Offshore Drilling in New Places

Also: Castor wants permanent ban on gulf drilling


Feinstein wants to limit oil drilling subsidies

“Attempting to reverse 15 years of federal subsidies for offshore drilling, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation Monday that would repeal "royalty relief" programs and other incentives to explore for oil and gas in the deep waters off U.S. coasts.”


Readout of the President’s Meeting with a Bipartisan Group of Senators to Discuss Passing Comprehensive Energy and Climate Legislation

Also see: Democrats, Obama willing to scale back energy and climate change bill


The Energy Transition Is Already Underway


Beyond Oil (Sierra Club)

“Today, veterans, union leaders and environmentalists gathered in the shadow of the Washington Monument to call on President Obama to end America’s dependence on oil. Starting as an online campaign planting 50,000 virtual flags, volunteers began last night planting 10,000 actual American flags on the National Mall spelling out “FREEDOM FROM OIL” to represent those asking the President to respond to the BP disaster in the Gulf with a bold plan to move America off of oil and into a clean energy future.” (from Sierra Club press release)




Salazar May Give Congress More Details on Deep-Water Drill Ban

“A new ban, Salazar said in congressional testimony on June 23, might take into consideration the differences between developmental drilling in reservoirs where pressures are known and exploratory drilling into formations “where you don’t know as a company what it is you are drilling in.”  Only five of the 33 wells affected by the original ban are exploratory wells, Feldman said. The judge also noted that the agency’s own safety report preceding the moratorium defined “deep-water” as 1,000 feet or more, double the 500-foot trigger favored by Salazar.”


Court Grants Speedy Hearing for U.S. on Drill Ban


OPEC hopes US reconsiders offshore drilling ban


U.S. Chamber calls for lifting ban on Gulf Oil Drilling




The Animal Welfare Institute Files Suit against BP for Burning Endangered Sea Turtles Alive


Thousands of Sea Turtle Eggs To Be Moved Out of Oil's Way

“Officials are planning to dig up the approximately 700 nests on Alabama and the Florida panhandle beaches, pack the eggs in Styrofoam boxes, and fly them to a facility in eastern Florida where they can mature. Once the eggs have hatched, the young turtles will be released in darkness on Florida's Atlantic beaches into oil-free water. Translocation of nests on this scale has never been attempted before.”


Gobs of oil from Gulf of Mexico spill make first landfall in Jackson County, Mississippi


The Oil Spill and Human Health: More Questions Than Answers


Top EPA Scientist to Discuss Data from First Round of Dispersant Testing

“On May 22, EPA directed BP to analyze potential alternative dispersants for toxicity and effectiveness.  BP reported to EPA that they were unable to find a dispersant that is less toxic than Corexit 9500, the product currently in use.  Following that, EPA began its own scientific research into eight dispersant products on the National Contingency Plan Product Schedule (NCP-PS).  Anastas will discuss data from the first round of that research on the call.”