Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oil Drilling News


Drilling reviews draw Senate fire

Drilling Permits Aren't Being Slowed, Regulator Says

Report Finds Oil-Drilling Inspectors in Disarray

Overhaul of Oil Industry Urged

Halliburton Worker on Smoke Break Missed BP Well Data

Group urges quick action on coast

"Coastal advocates are urging the president to push a bill in coming days that would deliver billions of dollars in BP oil-spill fines to Gulf Coast restoration work."

Submarine Dive Finds Oil, Dead Sea Life at Bottom of Gulf of Mexico (ABC News video report)


Oil mat cleanup under way in Orange Beach

"City officials were checking out a mat of oily material found this week on the sea floor just off the beach in about 3 feet of water. 

A BP PLC test crew found the substance just east of the Cotton Bayou public beach access, Phillip West, city coastal resource manager, said today. 

The mat was about 600 feet wide and very narrow, Tim Tucker, Orange Beach public works director, said. Tucker said BP crews removed about 8,000 pounds of material today and would be back at work on Saturday."


Coastal-Oil-Drilling Ban: Protect Florida Waters

"If opening more areas of the eastern gulf and Atlantic would, as proponents assert, help push the United States toward energy independence, then the benefits might outweigh the risks. It is just no so. These areas hold significant reserves, but they would produce a minuscule amount of fuel in comparison with U.S. demand. 

The Energy Information Administration estimates the United States has less than 3 percent of the world's proven oil reserves. The nation uses 25 percent of the world's oil. 

As the Obama administration finally concluded, in the absence of meaningful energy and conservation legislation, the off-limits supplies in the eastern gulf and near Atlantic are meaningless -- except for the risks that tapping them would create."