Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oil Drilling News


New report calls for end to all new offshore drilling

"Lingering Threats addresses key reforms needed to help protect the environment, people and wildlife from offshore drilling in the Gulf, the Arctic and elsewhere.
With the use of multipliers from leading scientists, the CBD estimates that around 26,000 dolphins and whales, 82,000 birds, and 6,000 sea turtles were likely harmed by the spill.
More than 88,000 square miles of closures to fishing occurred after the spill, and with the Gulf being home to more than 500 fish species, an accurate count of fish impacted by the spill is difficult to measure. The oil and dispersed oil are toxic to all stages of fish life, affecting fish reproduction for decades."

U.S. Must Safeguard Environment in Ocean Drills, Activists Urge Court

"Lawyers representing the Sierra Club, the Gulf Restoration Network, the Center for Biological Diversity and other activist groups asked the court to force the Interior Department to rescind several deep-water drilling permits regulators approved last April, just before and after the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history."
US drilling regulator: 'You can't drill your way to lower oil prices'
"Even if we permitted the hell out of everything tomorrow -- every pending permit, some permits that haven't even been filed yet -- it would not have a material effect on gas prices," Bromwich said. "That's the simple, clear reality."

Agenda - CA State Lands Commission
IV-02 "Consider a resolution in opposition to proposed federal legislation to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act that would offer new oil and gas leases off the California Coast, reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium. (HR 1231, Hastings, WA)."

Editorial: Protecting coastline should be priority


Breaking Our Oil Habit: Oceana Charts a Course to End Offshore Drilling by 2020, and Oil Imports by 2033.