Spills Happen
"In light of the Gulf's abandoned pipelines and the Yellowstone River's failed pipelines, it's difficult to find fault with Florida's residents when they want to block offshore drilling. Until other fuel sources are put to use, oil continues to be the dominant fuel for roads, rail and airways. But, with oil companies reaping record profits, it seems to many of us that the Exxons and BPs of the world have some responsibility to act in a way that doesn't kill us off in the process, or irreversibly destroy the clean waters we need to in order to swim, drink, and fish. Because in the end, that's a cost of doing business that none of us can afford."
Shell's drilling off Australia could 'devastate' endangered marine life
"Ningaloo reef, about 750 miles north of Perth, is best known for its whale sharks, the world's largest fish. The 160m long reef is also home to rare and endangered wildlife including whales, sea turtles and birds. Ningaloo marine park, which includes the reef, was designated a world heritage site last month.
The exploration well will be dug 30 miles from the edge of the park, primarily in search of gas."
China offshore oil spill spreads 320 square miles
"Oil that spewed from an offshore drilling rig in northeastern China for two weeks last month has spread over 320 square miles, government officials acknowledged Tuesday, amid uproar over why it took so long for fishermen, local residents and environmental groups to be informed of the spill."
Transocean Ghana rig stable after taking on water
"Transocean owned the Deepwater Horizon, which exploded last year while drilling a well for BP PLC (BP, BP.LN) in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 and touching off the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history. Since then Transocean has faced scrutiny over its safety procedures and maintenance of the world's largest offshore drilling fleet."