Friday, March 11, 2011

Oil Drilling News


The return of "drill, baby, drill"?

President Dismisses Republican Criticism in Wake of High Oil Prices

"The bottom line is this: We've been having this conversation for nearly four decades now," the president said in his news conference. "Every few years, oil prices go up, politicians pull out the same old playbook and then nothing changes....We slip back into a trance. I think the American people are tired of that. I think they're tired of talk. We got to work finally secure America's energy future. I don't want to leave this for the next president." He urged Republicans and Democrats to come together on a comprehensive energy plan "that will focus on production and conservation."
"But, Obama said, "let's be clear," simply amping up domestic production, "is not a long-term solution. Even if we start drilling new wells tomorrow, that oil is not coming on-line overnight," and that ultimately Americans must confront the fact that they consume about a quarter of the world's oil, but only have two percent of oil reserves."

Hawaii as a Microcosm in the Study of Peak Oil